
Showing posts from November, 2022

Chil'in in Chile #2

 Chil’in in Chile #2.     A week on the northern coastal desert. North Central Chilean Coastal Desert.  A lonely place with big wave, and lots of rocky intertidal zones.     About 800 Km (500 miles) north of our house (central Chile), or about 1,000 Km from Peru, I spent a week surveying intertidal zones.  No showers, fires being the preferred method of cooking dinner, cold at night and hot in the sun--I had a great time.  Everyday we would survey 1 to 3 intertidal sites, wearing wet suits and trying to avoid the waves.      Putting on a wet suit to walk and climb down to the intertidal can be hot work when the sun is out. Yet, with a 12°C ocean, working with waves requires staying warm—thus the wet suits. They also provide protection if you have to flatten yourself against the rocks when a wave comes rolling in. To protect the suits, we wear short (so when you are sitting on a barnacle bed you don’t “chew” up the suits.    Climbing down to the intertidal in wetsuit in the desert in th

Chil’in in Chile #1

Chil’in in Chile #1.    It has been exciting, STRESSFUL, and enjoyable in Chile.  The best move was for me to stay an additional week (I return to UM to teach for 3 week on 24th August). This allow us to accomplish so much more.  Our House:     We have a house that is 100 m above the ocean with a clear view of incoming waves.  Most afternoons end in a beautiful sunset with the warm rays heating our house.  I mention the warm rays, because in Chile it is late winter/early spring and while not freezing, it is very moist and cold.  Additionally, we have been warned by everyone that “one should not heat your house” because the natural gas is so expensive.  Thus, we only turn on the heat for a few hours in the morning, and are always dressed in layers. Not surprisingly, everyone else at restaurants, grocery stores, school, the marine laboratory, just about everywhere is dressed in layers.  Yet, in the afternoon, the sun streams into our windows, warming our bedrooms, and the living room loo